The devil whispered in my ear "You're not strong enough to withstand the storm."
Today I whispered in the devil's ear, "I am the storm."
April 29, 2021
Weekend Whisper: One is too small a number to achieve greatness ~ JCM
The first time being promoted to management, I thought it was going to be easy because I was technically sound at my previous position. However, personal production does not equate to people production. When you're responsible for organizational productivity, it's about getting the best and most out of your people.
Being a "Manager" is about "Processes" while "Leadership" is about "People". Each team member desires to know and will ask these questions from their leader:
Do you value me?
Will you help me?
Can I trust you?
Leaders recognize their decisions and actions come from their selfless best --- Servant Leadership. Knowing their strengths and weaknesses, they leverage their people's uniqueness and talents to empower for performance and results. Leaders possess the humility of operating from "me" to "we" and they overachieve because they understand that "none of us is as smart as all of us"!
"Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. The ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results." ~ Andrew Carnegie
April 22, 2021
Weekend Whisper: Clarity through Integrity
The world have always admired America for it's democratic principles, freedom, and equality. Americans understand albeit we seem to be in chaos and divided … deep inside burns our desire to live up and continue to fight for the fundamental laws and principles of the U.S. Constitution. But how do we get there?
We are living a historic moment … on April 20, 2021 --- the case of The State of Minnesota vs. Derek Michael Chauvin returned a verdict that is pivotal not only for healing as a nation, but also for the trajectory towards embodying our ideals as a country. A step forward bringing "Clarity through Integrity"!
Integrity is defined as the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles. It is also the state of being whole and undivided.
Whether it's in our personal lives, business, and communities … INTEGRITY is essential for progress and growth towards our vision, ideals, and aspirations. When we are not living in accordance to our deepest values, our sense of completeness and richness is diminished. We are lost and our moral compass is off.
Think about the times you felt uneasy because you're not living up to your truths --- inside you comes a whisper to right yourself. INTEGRITY is the inner sense of wholeness and expression of your truth, inside and out. Integrity brings clarity to your authentic self!
"Subtlety may deceive you; integrity never will." ~ Oliver Cromwell
April 15, 2021
Weekend Whisper: The Virtue of Leadership Vulnerability
Vulnerability is defined as openness to attack or hurt, either physically or in other ways. Also describes a person's willingness to show emotion or to allow weakness to be seen or known.
People fear being vulnerable … no one wants to feel hurt and be exposed to judgment, shame, and embarrassment.
Most of my adult life I operated from the truth that a leader must be flawless, unwavering, should have all the answers for control, and always in command of emotions and situations. However, a false sense of self-image and self-worth is destructive in creating genuine life experiences and relationships. Suffice to say, I was anemic in Leadership Vulnerability.
In years past and even today, leaders in all walks of life as well as in our homes are AFRAID of being vulnerable because of the uncertainty, risk, and emotional disconnection that can result in rejection and abandonment. Yet, the only way we can develop meaningful and deep relationships require us to get out of our comfort zone and relinquish the need to be perfect.
"To share your weakness is to make yourself vulnerable … to make yourself vulnerable is to show your strength." ~ Crissi Jami
Practicing vulnerable communication is creating intentional connection --- for having a "Connection" is to possess a sense and feeling of belonging. However, vulnerability IS NOT about over-sharing or broadcasting. When you're operating from an egocentric standpoint to get attention for self-validation or to people-please for personal gain, then this becomes an act of manipulation --- not connection.
Vulnerability is foundational to Authentic Leadership! It also requires a Growth Mindset (see WW 2.5.2021). The KEY to "Communicating to Connect" is Vulnerability. Not being perfect but opening your heart, being curious, and understanding why you are sharing a part of the true you. Just like "being real" with your child, you must be authentic to your employees. Today's workforce as well as our children do not respond to some of the "old school" management and parenting styles. No pretending … No falsehoods … Not a know it all. Vulnerable communication is a precondition to healthy relationships that can only be built on mutual respect, honesty, empathy, and trust.
"Vulnerability is the essence of connection and connection is the essence of existence."
~ Leo Christopher
How will you shape your Leadership Vulnerability as a strength to create more meaningful and deeper relationships?
April 8, 2021
Weekend Whisper: The Virtue of Courage
Virtue is Moral Excellence! COURAGE is defined as summoning the strength to face uncertainty, adversity, danger, pain, our fears, and standing up for what's right. It's being BOLD and BRAVE to act on your beliefs despite feeling uncomfortable and frightened. Courage supercharges the mind to bring out the very best in ourselves … it fuels faith, hope, morality, grit, and the true hero within!
"Courage is the most important of the virtues, because without it, no other virtue can be practiced consistently." ~ Maya Angelou
If you're falling short, ask yourself --- Am I living courageously and daring greatly? Our life is a story built around COURAGE … how it is written each opportune moment depends entirely on YOU. This is Leadership Courage!
As Leaders in our personal lives, business, and society … practicing COURAGE --- especially in difficult circumstances define the trajectory of our lives and more importantly ... defines who and what we are.
Every single decision made presents an opportunity to living courageously and creating this reality we call life. Think how different and how much better your relationships, career or business, and the world would be when we choose to be:
"The Man in the Arena"
"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat." ~ Theodore Roosevelt
Living a life of courage is to be real, being your best, and leaving this world with meaning --- making your mark and to be remembered by those known and unknown to you because of the value, influence, and impact you made.
Virtues are foundational to our humanity and leads to fulfilling our purpose . It is not about being perfect nor is it about the outcome of losing and winning as our spirit longs to do more and be more --- to live in COURAGE and INSPIRATION! A better world demands every one of us to return to our virtues … to do our best in living a life with strong moral and ethical principles.
Endeavoring forward … How will COURAGE shape your becoming?
April 1, 2021
Weekend Whisper: Leadership is Influence!
Our definition of Leadership is shaped by those we admire and aspire to model. Abraham Lincoln, Adolf Hitler, Donald Trump, Genghis Khan, Martin Luther King, Mother Teresa, Oprah Winfrey, Ruth Bader Ginsberg, Steve Jobs --- All imperfect but can either be examples of great or atrocious leadership ... Leaders as well as leadership qualities come in a variety of colors and flavors.
When you really reflect and think about it, the most influential people that helped mold our leadership mindset and attitudes were our inner circle throughout our lives consisting of our parents, family, friends, mentors, and even strangers.
While "Leadership" is seen as the action of leading a group of people or an organization, Leadership begins and ends WITHIN! John C. Maxwell shares that the hardest person he ever had to lead is himself … isn't this so true in our own lives?
"You get the best out of others when you get the best out of yourself." ~ Harvey Firestone
The highest form of Leadership is SELF-LEADERSHIP: For most, we have been led to believe that our present reality were shaped purely by chance and circumstance … but in truth, LEADING our lives is a CHOICE. Choosing to be GREATER than our ENVIRONMENT. Choosing the virtues and values to create the legacy we live and leave behind in our journey of becoming!
March 25, 2021
Weekend Whisper: The Opposite Sides of Pride
Pride is defined as a feeling of deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from achievements. It is also consciousness of one's own dignity.
"Good Pride" helped my mother raise three children on her own, become a very successful cosmetologist to the rich and famous, and earn great respect among family and friends. "Bad Pride" strained their marriage. I don't remember much about my father's accomplishments but my hope is that he had "Good Pride" in bringing me and my sisters into this world. I do know his "Bad Pride" poisoned his capacity to humble himself to support mom's success and fight for his family.
Pride can be a funny thing … it shapes one's personality and good moral character. It creates the trajectory for reaching a full life or an empty one. Pride can build dreams and it can destroy lives.
Good Pride aka "Wholehearted" are those coming from:
the birth of your child,
working hard and accomplishing your goals,
feeling satisfaction for simply being a better person one day at a time,
leading a cohesive team through challenges and achieving success,
finding love, and other rewarding experiences.
Bad Pride aka "Small Self" are those coming from:
taking pleasure in comparing yourself (operating from conceit) and seeing others as inferior or unworthy,
bullying and putting others down,
judging others while unwilling to accept feedback or constructive criticism,
feeling entitled and embracing arrogance,
and other supremacy thinking without regard and respect for others.
Good and healthy "Pride" is born in the heart --- it is an affirmation linked to self-motivation, self-respect, self-esteem, and self-confidence. Such as a feeling of satisfaction from an accomplishment or achievement … this leads to humility and gratefulness! In taking pride with oneself, it is an appreciation of the journey taken. Good Pride is also the understanding that nobody is higher than anyone else, as much as no one is lower than anyone else.
Bad and toxic "Pride" is born in the mind not so much from competence but from the deadly sin of superiority. It inflates your sense of self-worth and distorts reality. Bad Pride causes the heart to become swollen. The exaggerated thinking and feeling from one's sense of self-importance and self-admiration fuels the ego. When you're prideful, you cease to learn and grow. The ego is selfish … it has no desire to give oneself to add value for the greater good of others. (For more on the "Ego", refer to WW dated January 8, 2021.)
"A proud man is always looking down on things and people;
and of course as long as you're looking down,
you can't see something that's above you."
~ C.S. Lewis
Pride with humility is a blessing experienced … Pride born from personal superiority is a curse. Which side of pride have you chosen to live in?
March 18, 2021
Weekend Whisper: Living a Life with No Limits!
What is your vision of the future? What does a happy and fulfilled life look like to you? Whatever our desired outcome --- one thing rings true … the journey getting there has NO shortcuts!
In the natural --- we want things done our way, on our time, and our terms. However, reality tempers our expectations and teaches us that getting the most valuable and important things in life requires us to be more than ordinary … to be better than average … to push beyond our limits!
Whether it be in our love life and relationships, business ventures or careers, quality or standard of living, accumulation of wealth, and the attainment of holistic health … succeeding in every facet of life requires a constant evolution of our thinking --- to question our belief system (B.S.) because “Growth is the Journey”!
To remain still in our thinking is to be lifeless. Just as stagnant water turns stale and becomes an incubator for bacteria and parasites, the flow of running water is allowing our minds run freely without limits and thrive in life rather than deteriorate in emptiness. The way we think about our limitations were borne from the past … it may have been placed by our parents, family, teachers, friends, and everyone else with a scarcity mindset. Be wary of the caps people put on you but above all, be on guard on the caps you put on yourself.
“You can be successful if others don’t believe in you, but you cannot be successful if you don’t believe in yourself!” ~ Venkatesan Krishnamurthy
Living a life with no limits is being "Extra" ordinary … extra thinking, extra effort, extra patience, extra etc. John C. Maxwell shares that "Achievers choose what losers won't and pays the price that others don't". Motivation determines what you do … Ability determines what you're capable of doing … Attitude determines how you do it --- be EXTRAORDINARY!
Awareness + Ability + Choices = Capacity (from John C. Maxwell's book NO LIMITS)
In 1855, Track and Field’s most famous barrier was the 4-minute mile. Most believed this feat to be impossible because of the belief our fragile human body and heart could not take the stress and punishment. Not until almost 100 years later that Roger Bannister became the first person to run the mile in under four minutes.
What about you? What barriers await for you to break through?
March 11, 2021
Weekend Whisper: Parenting is Leadership … Leadership is Parenting!
Growing up without a father to look up to, there was an emptiness in my soul. I'm blessed to have a strong mother who did her best raising three children on her own … but parenting is truly a team sport.
You ever wondered how we came to be? What were our motivations and why did we make certain choices that shaped this reality we call life? Looking at every stage of our lives, our thinking went through an evolutionary process that was and continues to be greatly influenced by our nature, nurturing, and environment. In the center of these three conditions are our "Parents" or those we consider to be our role models. Our "Leadership Style" and modus operandi for leading and managing people can be traced from our own knowledge and understanding of "Parenting".
There is no perfect parenting style and most of us didn't get a DIY manual when we had our children. Our parenting skills were borne from lessons growing up and forged through experience. Think about it --- our beliefs, values, fears, attitudes, were all passed down. Good or bad modeling … our parents helped shape who we are today and only through conscious awareness will we determine the trajectory of the life we aspire to create and attain. In addition, we need to understand that a principled parenting approach is never about perfection … instead it is based on flexibility, not strict rules.
Every parent's desire is influencing their children to become better versions of themselves. One of the most meaningful and effective ways of doing this is "Living by Example". Modeling --- the way we think, act, and feel that aligns to our virtues, especially during the peaks and valleys of life's journey IS a powerful relatable story that they will hold dear in their hearts and embrace in their lives. This behavior modeling process leads to observational and social learning wherein they begin to mirror those qualities and values. Consistently practicing in words and actions is living authentically where there is clarity to becoming … this is being a "Leader" of one's life.
The most valuable benefit from developing parenting skills is gaining the ability to "Communicate and Connect"! Our greatest joys come from relationships … at work and most especially at home. You don't have to look far to see examples of healthy and inspirational Parent-Child relationships. In our family, my wife and I worked together to build deep and meaningful relationships with our son and daughter. This continues to be paramount in our lives because the investment of "being there when they need us most" yields a lifetime of returns that are priceless!
"It is not what you do for your children, but what you have taught them to do for themselves that will make them successful human beings." ~ Ann Landers
Parenting is Leadership … Leadership is Parenting --- Influence your children and people under your care to do more and be more. As Leaders … WE are designed to pull greatness out of people!
March 4, 2021
Weekend Whisper: Valuing Others
Every single one of us have a need to feel we matter ... to be worthy. Knowing your existence has value requires to feel understood, appreciated, loved, respected, and a sense of belonging.
"Leadership is Influence!"
When you value people, you influence them. To be valued is to feel empowered to do more and be more. How do we show we value others?
The Golden Rule - "Treat people the way YOU want to be treated."
The Platinum Rule - "Treat people the way THEY want to be treated."
Application of either principle is based on how much we know the person and ourselves. Valuing others start with mutual respect … understanding we all have unique personality traits and values are foundational to meaningful connection. Recognizing and acknowledging another person's "world" means relating to their needs and sensitivities.
"You cannot give what you do not have."
Have you noticed how you treat people correlates with your own self-worth? "Self-Worth" is the opinion and sense of value you place on yourself. When we look deeply with honest reflection, we see both the beauty and the beast within. To move forward and create our sense of self-worth that aligns with good moral virtues is not about being perfect … it is about intentionally striving to just being better each day and growing to become the person (even when we're alone) we enjoy being with. From this, we begin to embody what it means to feel valued!
John C. Maxwell encourages to see everyone we meet as a 10. Assume the best and expect the best from them because when you do, you will naturally treat them as such and make them feel valued.
February 25, 2021
Weekend Whisper: The Art and Science of Listening
The most effective and best leaders are listeners. They take time to hear and understand people and as such, develop strategies and encourage action in directing the future and success of their organizations. Even in our personal relationships, the people we enjoy being with are the best listeners because they "relate" to us.
Communication always require Connection. Connection exist between people when they FEEL seen, heard, and valued.
Take for example parent-child relationships. An authoritative approach that instills fear, judgment, and dominance does not encourage transparency and vulnerability. The child will never feel safe to share their true feelings, emotions, and anything they view important. However, when a parent listens to their child with mutual respect and trust enabling them to feel heard and valued, honest and difficult conversations become much more natural. Always we must remember their life experiences will be unique to ours and we need to understand THEIR world.
Studies reveal that communication is 7% verbal, 38% vocal, and 55% visual. 93% is non-verbal! This includes gestures, volume/tone/pitch/silence of voice, facial expressions, and body language which are "unspoken language". Non-verbal communication is what we need to be "listening" to through careful observation … this is all about "reading beyond the lines".
It's so true we learn more from listening than by talking.
To become a better listener:
Be intentional, present, and remove distractions.
Be objective, curious, and seek understanding.
Engage, avoid interrupting, and allow them to empty their thoughts.
Ask questions and obtain clarity when needed before responding.
Closing the Gap … Ask yourself as you develop your listening skills:
• Is what I'm hearing consistent with what I'm seeing?
• Do I have a full grasp of the picture they are painting?
• Am I truly empathetic to their message?
"People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did,
but people will never forget how you made them feel."
~ Maya Angelou
February 18, 2021
Weekend Whisper: What does it mean to live an authentic life?
Authenticity at it's core is embracing who you really are by acting within your values and beliefs. It's about "Daring Greatly"! In her book, Brene Brown shares that choosing authenticity means:
Cultivating the courage to be imperfect, to set boundaries, and to allow ourselves to be vulnerable;
Exercising the compassion that comes from knowing that we are made of strength and struggle; and
Nurturing the connection and sense of belonging that can only happen when we believe we are strong enough.
People trust and follow AUTHENTIC LEADERSHIP! In a world where social culture defines success by a person's title or status, position of power, wealth and possessions, choosing to live an authentic life becomes an afterthought. But at what cost when we continue this path?
It's so disappointing when leaders … people chosen to serve are more interested in their self-interest and self-preservation. Whether in politics, business, and personal lives … some willingly and unwillingly give up their virtues choosing to lose their true selves --- selling their heart, spirit, and soul for fame, fortune, and power. Also often, we wrongly desire to always being right for the wrong reasons … a wise spouse learned this lesson well. A true Leader understands that it doesn't matter who's right, it's about getting things right!
There is nothing more unnatural and exhausting than pretending to be somebody we're not and in the process, losing our moral code. To constantly seek for approval is to lose sight the true purpose of our creation. One can never experience freedom and peace until they're living their best selves. Executives, Public Servants, Teachers, Parents … no matter your role in this life, our divine responsibility will always be to serve others and to leave this world a better place.
"Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are." ~ John Wooden
February 11, 2021
Weekend Whisper: "A Life defined by Courage and Fear"
Wow … can't believe it's already February. A new year, birthdays, and important life events have a way of forcing us to reflect on years past and look upon days ahead. One common denominator creating our present reality are those "Choices" we made in this journey we call "Life".
No matter our best intentions, reflection reveals whether those choices and decisions came from courage or fear. Regrets come from choices made from the "Fear of" … rejection, not being enough, failure/success, feeling unloved, losing control, the unknown, being who you really are, and so on. Naturally wired for certainty, we instinctively choose from a place of comfort emotionally and physically. What's worst is when we allow the fear cultivated by others dictate and create the limitations of our lives.
Those we admire most are the ones living in truth, dreaming big, taking risks, and putting in the work ... those choosing to be comfortable feeling uncomfortable. Only through Courage not Fear, can we create our best fulfilled lives.
"There are two wolves fighting inside us ... Courage and Fear. Which wolf will win?
The one you feed!"
February 5, 2021
Weekend Whisper: What's your "Mindset"?
Mindset is defined as the established set of attitudes held by someone.
We can choose to live in a "Positive/Abundance mindset" or "Negative/Scarcity mindset". Here's how to distinguish yours:
Positive or Abundance Mindset:
• Believes in possibilities and finds win-win scenarios ... Plays the Infinite game.
• Faces their fears.
• Embraces change and sacrifice.
• Looks at challenges as opportunities ... operates in a creative space.
• Has a "Victor" mentality.
Negative or Scarcity Mindset:
• Believes in limitations and win-lose scenarios .. Plays the finite game.
• Afraid ... allows fear to paralyze and fully express themselves.
• Resists change and making sacrifices. Views challenges as obstacles and operates in survival mode.
• Has a "Victim" mentality.
A curious mind leads to learning ... and learning leads to growth ... and growth leads to new experiences and possibilities. The choices you make is the life you create!
"People are anxious to improve their circumstances but are unwilling to improve themselves. Therefore they remain bound." ~ James Allen
January 28, 2021
Weekend Whisper: "Hope and Grit is a function of Struggle"
After losing a few games of chess, grandson says to his grandpa that he was tired of losing and he wants to win. Grandpa responds, "Well, you wouldn't want me to lose in purpose, do you?"
Every one of us, in the natural, have no desire to lose in any aspect of our lives. However in reality, the most important lessons are learned when we experience adversity, struggle, and failure. In Brené Brown's book "Daring Greatly", her research reinforced the importance of letting go and allowing our children find their own way rather than rescuing, protecting and intervening at the first sign of any challenge or struggle.
Whether a parent or a person in a leadership role --- if we want those under our care to develop competence, resilience, confidence, and their valuable sense of self-worth … we have to let them experience struggle --- to fail forward! It is within our power and responsibility to make them realize their strengths, talent, skills, and values. To push and nurture them in their journey is to help them build higher levels of HOPEFULNESS and GRIT!
"If parents want to give their children a gift, the best thing they can do is to teach their children to love challenges, be intrigued by mistakes, enjoy effort, and keep learning. That way, their children don't have to be slaves of praise. They will have a lifelong way to build and repair their own confidence." ~ Carol Dweck
January 24, 2021
The road to recovery from this Pandemic as a nation and for our world will take hard work, authentic and courageous leadership!
As leaders at any capacity, we will have people that adds or takes away value in serving our purpose in life.
Dr. Fauci has served American public health in various capacities for more than 50 years, and has been an advisor to every U.S. president since Ronald Reagan. A question we must ask ourselves when we have wise counsel around us is "How does my inner circle serve me to serve others?"
God's purpose for every one of us in this world will always be "Service to Others". That's where the letters of the word JOY comes from --- Jesus, Others, and lastly You. Only by understanding this eternal order can we find the path towards our life's purpose.
Discover the Leader within You!
January 21, 2021
Weekend Whisper: Healing starts within!
Do you have a fractured family or had broken relationships? We all have ... while some continue to accept this reality as their life, others have taken courage and humility to move from past hurts to creating their best lives.
"Family" comes in the form of being Americans to our nation, team members for an organization, and being a relative or friend in your own family. To build UNITY in any family needs CONNECTION --- which is embodied with a culture of "Love and Belonging". And the first step towards healing will always begin with ourselves. As Mahatma Gandhi shared, "Be the change that you wish to see in the world."
Healing from within requires:
The Crucifixion of the Ego - to remain authentic and honest with who you are and embracing our imperfections. Perfection can never be achieved and no ever wins when they fight the truth.
Quit the Blame and Shame "B.S." Game - taking responsibility and gain the understanding that every challenge and failure are opportunities for growth. BS never adds any value to your own self-worth nor will it serve a positive influence on others.
Accept, Love, and Reinvent Yourself - Life's circumstances inevitably forces change on how we think, act, and feel about ourselves. Remember and return to your core values as these are guiding principles to becoming our best self and defining our self-worth.
To nurture your journey, I'll be holding two Transformation Tables for our CYW "Change. Your. World." movement. This is a values-based leadership development experience from John Maxwell's new book. The CYW journey is FREE and only requires a commitment of 1 hour once a week for 6 weeks beginning February on Wednesdays/Thursdays at 6 pm PST. Space is limited so send me a PM at jy@mpwrGr8tness.com to reserve your spot!
January 14, 2021
Weekend Whisper: Kindness … an inherent quality of compassionate leaders.
"It's one thing to be taught kindness, it's another thing to be touched by it."
Before my daughter Lauren started her first ever job as a manager in Amazon, she expressed both excitement and anxiety. Taking a position of responsibility always brings stress as one navigates to become proficient to meet the expectations from above as well as those that are under their care.
Her work ethic not in question, I told Lauren that she will succeed in management. However, I shared that her ability to do really well depends on her leadership because "Management is about Processes and Leadership is about People".
Our ability to create a high performing and productive team always stems from leadership. I encouraged her to listen for their needs and set every team member up for success. To be consistently honest and to value and treat people with respect … always being KIND!
No one ever puts their best foot forward working for someone who is dominating and mean --- there can be no joy in work. Kindness is "Compassionate Leadership" … the ability to inspire others through encouragement and empowerment! Kindness should not simply come from an act and an unwilling heart … it arises only when you explore and find the goodness inside you.
“You can accomplish by kindness what you cannot by force.” ~ Pubilius Syrus
January 7, 2021
Weekend Whisper: EGO = Edging God Out | Edging Growth Out
Donald Trump's tenure showed how his ego defined and ruined his legacy as the 45th President of the United States of America. Let this be a lesson for all of us as leaders of our lives.
The "Ego" as defined by Wayne Dyer is an "Idea" we carry around which has 6 components:
I am what I have.
I am what I do.
I am what other people think of me.
I am separate from everybody else.
I am separate from what's missing in my life.
I am separate from God.
An egocentric person ignores reality, refuses to acknowledge their blind spots, and embraces narcissistic behaviors. We all have an ego and for some, it can be so large that it destroys everything that is good in life and this world. The ego is selfish … it has no desire to give oneself to add value for the greater good of others.
To keep the ego in check:
1. Carefully choose your inner circle.
2. Give them permission to help you improve and hold you accountable for positive change.
3. Focus on personal growth and give conscious effort to just being a little better each single day.
"When the ego dies, the soul awakes."
December 31, 2020
Weekend Whisper: A New Year brings renewed hope with fresh beginnings!
Like most, I welcome 2021 with great anticipation. It allows us to start over and create better outcomes may it be in our careers, business, finances, health, relationships, and ultimately … our life experiences.
It is within us to "define" what we become or "confine" ourselves to the limits of our mind. Adopt a new mindset as the possibilities are exciting and endless!
Wishing you all the best life offers ... 2021 here we come!
"You have to let it all go … Fear, doubt, and disbelief. Free your mind." ~ Morpheus
December 18, 2020
Weekend Whisper: Laughter - the Organic Cure for Misery!
In Dr. M. Scott Peck's book "The Road Less Traveled", he cites that contrary to how we were taught to believe life is easy --- "Life is difficult". It doesn't matter if you're rich or poor, healthy or sick, young or old … everyone faces adversity in every season of their life.
What makes things worse is when we take ourselves too seriously. This adds needless stress, anger, sadness and can potentially lead to depression. As we grow up to becoming adults, we make "choices" that create the world we call our life. These choices come with responsibilities which increases the stressors in our lives.
Laughter is the weapon at our arsenal to manage the uncertainties and challenges of life. Here are some of the advantages of laughing more:
It releases Endorphins in the brain. Endorphins are our homegrown feel-good chemicals. Best of all, it's not a narcotic!
Laughing releases Serotonin --- a neurotransmitter having the same brain chemical with similar effects to antidepressants and SSRIs. It is the key hormone that stabilizes our mood, feelings of well-being, and happiness. Serotonin also helps with sleeping, eating, and digestion.
Research showed that laughter has a anti-inflammatory effect protecting blood vessels and heart muscles from the damaging effects of cardiovascular disease.
Social laughter is like spreading a healthy virus … it's contagious and a shared release of endorphins through groups promotes a sense of togetherness and common bond. Laugh with family, friends, and co-workers!
No one will ever be without problems. Life will not always be kind and when times are hard or you feel low, ask yourself: Are you giving yourself a good dose of laughter? Laughter is truly the best medicine and it revives/refreshes/rejuvenates. If it's not part of your daily routine, intentionally incorporate laughter in your lifestyle. Make it part of your healthy daily diet!
"As soap is to the body, so laughter is to the soul." ~ A Jewish Proverb
December 11, 2020
Weekend Whisper: Purpose + Passion + Commitment = Dreams Realized!
People who achieved so much in life exhibited three critical qualities to reaching their goals while living a life of significance --- Purpose, Passion, and Commitment. Whether it is in your health, wealth, and relationships, I believe each of these are essential to accomplish any goal.
First, one has to define their PURPOSE: What is your intention or objective? Is it for better health, to be financially independent, have meaningful and productive relationships, or to live the life God created you for? Adding Rick Warren's perspective from his book "The Purpose Driven Life - What on earth am I here for?", he answers in page 1 … "It's not about you." Purpose gets you up every morning … it is your Motivation!
Second is PASSION … it is the fuel that keeps the fire in your heart burning! Passion elicits our emotions and causes us to focus even more to a point we lose our sense of time and ourselves to the joy of work. I also believe that turning your Pain into Passion is another empowering approach.
Thirdly is COMMITMENT … is the foundation of great accomplishments --- it is about Action and Ownership! Taking complete responsibility and dedicating oneself to persevere through any and all obstacles. Too often, people don't quit on their goals and dreams … they quit on themselves.
If you're struggling with knowing your Purpose, Passion, and Commitment, here is what I share with my children: No matter where you are in life, do your very best! Find purpose in the things you do and the role you're currently serving. Bring in passion knowing that applying yourself to any task helps the greater good. Be committed and faithful to the process. In applying these principles, your journey will open doors of opportunities and you'll be surprised with the life you've created.
Purpose moves you ... Passion drives you … Commitment makes you!
December 4, 2020
Weekend Whisper: True Joy comes from Giving
Unless you're the Grinch, the Holiday season brings out our selfless and generous nature even more. While we think of gifts coming in the form of toys, jewelry, electronics, and other fascinating objects of desire, the most special gift we can give others is ourselves!
But before you do, ask yourself … Would you gift YOU to yourself?
Gifting starts within:
1. LOVE Yourself - Why? Because you cannot give what you do not have. Avoid negative self-talk because the most important person you're going to listen to is yourself … Speak and Think positively as your voice echoes into your spirit and resonates outwards to your personality.
2. BE Yourself - Be your authentic and best self! Be vulnerable … don't pretend or try to be someone else to please other people. Living for the approval of others is not living … it's a false reality, exhausting, and unfulfilling. Freedom comes from being at peace with who you are and staying true to your passions that adds value to people's lives. Be patient, be forgiving, be kind, be loving, be compassionate … within. What grows inside manifests itself outside!
3. INVEST in Yourself - Remain curious, teachable, and coachable. A lifelong learner creates a life filled with adventures alongside meaningful relationships. What's your personal growth plan? Tony Robbins shares that one of the biggest mistakes people make is to obsess only over making money instead of improving the quality of life for themselves and the people they care about.
4. GIVE Yourself - Your are a gift to this world … even in small acts, you become a blessing to others. An encouraging word, a simple act of kindness, a listening ear, a shoulder to cry on, a hug ... it is a wonderful legacy when one leaves a part of themselves to another soul.
In the here and now … the greatest gift we can ever give in life is our ability to love. Not in our capacity to receive love, but in our power to give it! This is the only gift that truly keeps on giving. And what's more special, is that you already own it! ~ Anonymous
November 25, 2020
Weekend Whisper: thanks·giv·ing … the expression of gratitude, especially to God.
I love the way Thanksgiving disrupts our normal lives and allows one to take a deep breath to simply appreciate.
If you're running on autopilot and locked into the busyness of daily life, gift yourself time to reflect on the things that truly matter!
“The Root of Joy is Gratefulness … it is not Joy that makes us Grateful; it is Gratitude that makes us Joyful.” ~ Brother David Steindl-Rast
November 19, 2020
Weekend Whisper: The Feedback Dilemma
"Feedback" or some people refer to as "Constructive Criticism" is often undesirable and uncomfortable because although helpful, it implies judgment and challenges our sense of value.
If you're like me, you take pride in who you are. However, this becomes unhealthy and destructive when our EGO (Edging Growth Out | Edging God Out) gets in the way of bettering ourselves. Reflecting on my career and personal life, the most rewarding experiences and seasons of advancement occurred when I listened to feedback and used it to improve my conditions and circumstances. This is a perpetual process.
As a leader at work and at home, reflect on these questions:
Have you given permission to people to share honest feedback? Value your inner and outer circles.
Are you embracing feedback by not making excuses for the behavior? Get over yourself because you can never see your own blind spots.
Do you provide feedback to your colleagues and people under your charge? People want to know how they are doing.
Is your heart open to being a better husband/wife, parent, son/daughter, or friend?
Are you sharing feedback to help improve the lives of the people your love
Check your intentions when giving feedback. This is not about manipulation because as a "Leader", your purpose is to bring out greatness in others. Feedback is the key for engagement, connection, and production. One can never achieve mastery without feedback. Feedback is truly a GIFT!
When my ego seems to be getting in the way, I remind myself this verse:
“Truly I tell you … unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven." ~ Matthew 18:3-4
Humility is the door to embracing feedback. A child's heart is born innocent and their mind tremendously curious … they yearn to learn. There is no ego, no shame, no need for approval … this beautiful vulnerability and open-mindedness is the mindset we all need to strive for if we are to reach our best selves.
November 12, 2020
Weekend Whisper: Am I Bigger on the Inside than on the Outside?
Reflection and evaluated experience can do miracles in one's life. As a leader in our home and my professional career, I grew to appreciate and understand that my journey could have been more meaningful and fulfilling. Realizing I could have done certain things differently, taking responsibility for the conditions and circumstances of my life was the most important first step.
Anything inside one's heart and mind will always manifest itself on the outside. My lack of self-awareness, failure to overcome blind spots, refraining to equip myself to know better, and my worst enemy - the EGO, were all contributing factors to fallibility. Pretending to be bigger on the outside than on the inside is exhausting … when one starts working on the inside (heart, mind, spirit and soul), the outside naturally becomes better and bigger --- it is liberating because you're now living an empowered and authentic life!
Three important qualities that make up a leader are "Character, Honesty, and Integrity". People listen, rally, and follow because these qualities inspire trust and confidence. You're not only projecting an image, you're also modeling the best of yourself … it is the talk and walk because words are matched with consistent being and action. As leaders, we can never achieve more and rise above the limits of our character, honesty, and integrity.
John C. Maxwell shares that "Everything Rises and Falls on Leadership" and "Leadership is Influence". Here are some tips to become bigger and better on the inside:
Value people more than position … treat people with dignity and respect.
Inspire others by being inspired within … people can always sense your energy and passion.
Secure leaders appreciate and acknowledge others … praise and give credit to people's work and achievements.
Do not abuse power. Instead, influence and empower! The challenge for a leader is not to use power.
Extend grace and forgiveness to others. This helps create a connected culture and safe environment allowing growth and innovation.
Acknowledge and apologize for your mistakes. No one is perfect and people know you're not perfect … Humility is the ultimate trust and confidence builder.
To become bigger on the inside than outside requires us "To Dare Greatly!". Brene Brown shared to dare greatly is to embrace vulnerability and imperfection … to live wholeheartedly and to courageously engage in our lives.
November 11, 2020
Weekend Whisper: Sacrifice ... a message for our Veterans
During a session discussing "Sacrifice", one person shared how they couldn't see themselves give up their "life" for their secure reality.
"Freedom is not Free!"
For some of our military servicemen and women, they paid the ultimate sacrifice so we can have the freedoms and liberties we enjoy today. I believe "Freedom" and "Democracy" are synonymous.
To all our military servicemen and women that have served and continue to serve this great nation of ours ... God bless and Happy Veteran's Day!!!
Our hearts and thoughts are with you all as you keep our country safe ... to our son, Joshua Nathan Ybanez ... you're always at the top of our minds --- Love ya son! ~ Jonathan Ybañez, Malou Espiritu-Ybañez, Lauren Marie Ybanez
"Home of the Free, because of the Brave!"
November 6, 2020
Weekend Whisper: Legacy … How will I be remembered?
The film "Clouds" reminded me of how fragile life is and that death does not discriminate. Based on the true story of 17-year old Zac Sobiech whose life was cut short from a rare bone cancer … it depicted the thoughts, feelings, and emotions we all share as humans when we face adversities beyond our control.
It is an undeniable fact that everything in life is subject to change and nothing in this material world last. Whether it's our possessions or wealth, position or power, fame, fortune, beauty, health, and life itself … all have it's time. Legacy is our "Quest for Significance" --- to touch a heart ... to matter now and when we're gone.
I believe our LEGACY is directly tied to our PURPOSE because every single day, we CHOOSE how we will be remembered. Legacy at it's core is leaving a part of your Soul and Spirit in this world. Do your best to LIVE passionately each day because every heart we touch and what we do for others remain and lives forever!
"You don't have to find out that you're dying … to start living." ~ Zach Sobiech
October 30, 2020
Weekend Whisper: Forgiveness … an essential path forward towards vulnerability, to a free spirit, and to living our best lives!
For the longest time, I didn't know I wasn't apologizing properly. While saying "Sorry" seemed enough for me, I discovered it may not be enough for others. To come full circle and obtain some sense of closure, we all need to get it right.
Being human is being imperfect … to have faults. Unfortunately, it doesn't help when we don't truly understand how to wholeheartedly apologize to make amends. The worst part of our imperfectness is our blind spots --- when we unknowingly wrong or offend someone. To be unforgiven … is to be imprisoned to the past as it holds us back from advancing to our best selves and growing relationships forward.
Dr. Gary Chapman's (author of the Five Love Languages) research revealed insights on the "Five Languages of Apology" or when saying sorry isn't enough:
Expressing Regret - Honestly and sincerely saying you're sorry.
Accepting Responsibility - Intentionally and clearly stating you were wrong without excuses … remove "But" in your vocabulary.
Making Restitution - After wronging someone, ask what can you do to make it right.
Genuinely Repenting - Recognizing you can do better, identify the steps to making positive change.
Requesting Forgiveness - Plead for forgiveness. Whether it is given or not, you've taken a bold step towards connection.
While we act to forgive, we may never forget … however building trust starts with an apology. And though we think this only applies to people in our lives, the MOST important and first person we need forgive is OURSELVES. Forgiving and Leading starts within!
"To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you." ~ Lewis B. Smedes
October 23, 2020
Weekend Whisper: Who are you … really. Are you hearing yourself?
Your "Inner Self" is defined as who you really are on the inside and we spend a great deal of time with our thoughts. I believe that to "know thyself", you must start with your Soul and your Spirit.
Whether you're a person of faith or not, exploring your "Soul" and "Spirit" leads to another level of self-awareness that makes for a healthier mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical state of being.
Soul was born perfectly and abundantly as it came from God (Grand Overall Designer)! It IS the FACE before you were born. Sometimes, it'll speak through our conscience because when something we've done doesn't come in alignment with our values, it creates disharmony from within. Your soul will always seek for home.
Spirit is what encourages us to keep moving. It isn't static … it's DYNAMIC! It seeks to do more and be more. For all of us, it comes in the form of wanting to better ourselves to fulfill our true being and purpose.
"You find peace not by rearranging the circumstances of your life, but by realizing who you are at the deepest level." ~ Eckhart Tolle
October 16, 2020
Weekend Whisper: The Truth is Not Always in the Appearance of Things
Have you noticed how a person can seemingly be so happy, complete, and have everything in life? While on the outside appears to be in order and perfect, the reality is that each of us had or continue to have something we're struggling with. These could be in our health, money, career or business, relationships, and more importantly, our sense of worth and purpose. Naturally, we seek to fill something missing, an emptiness, or void to gain fulfillment.
Look at this short list of gifted people we lost … Anthony Bourdain, Bernard Daniel Jacques Loiseau, Elvis Presley, Freddi Prinze, Hana Kimura, Herve Villechaize, Jonghyum, Junior Seau, Kate Spade, Kurt Cobain, Mac Miller, Marilyn Monroe, Mindy McCready, Phil & Brynn Hartman, Margaux Hemingway, Robin Williams, and Whitney Houston.
We all need to know and feel we matter! It starts with "I MATTER". And each of us has to power to make others feel THEY MATTER and this requires CONNECTION --- which also gives us purpose and meaning to our lives. Connection simply is to LOVE and to BELONG so you're truly never ALONE!
“Only through our connectedness to others can we really know and enhance the self. And only through working on the self can we begin to enhance our connectedness.” ~ Harriet Goldhor Lerner
October 9, 2020
Weekend Whisper: PERSPECTIVE
Imagine being born in 1900:
At 14 years old you lived through WWI 1914-1918 (4 years)
Ø 40 million casualties
Ø 20 million deaths
At 18 comes the Spanish H1N1 Flu - 1918 Pandemic (26 months)
Ø 500 million infected which was about a third of the world's population
Ø At least 50 million deaths
At 29, you experience the Great Depression 1929-1933 (43 months)
Ø Global GDP -26.7%
Ø Global Unemployment 24.9%
At 39, enter WWII 1939-1945 (6 years)
Ø Estimated 70-85 million perished and the Holocaust kills 6 million Jews
At 52, the Korean War 1950-53 (3 years)
Ø Costing 5 million deaths
At 55, the Vietnam War started in the 1950s and doesn't end until over 20 years later in 1975.
Ø The conflict claimed over 3 million deaths.
At 62, fearing a nuclear confrontation during the Cuban Missile Crisis. A pivotal time as the world watches for we were at the brink of WWIII and the threat for all life as we know it.
At 75 when the Vietnam War ends, you lived to realize … How in the world did you survive all of this?
Looking at the people who lived through these years should temper our PERSPECTIVE on how life can be hard. For those parents, grandparents, and great grandparents, you can't help but admire and respect them for making it through these most challenging conditions and circumstances.
Regardless of your generation, PERSPECTIVE is an amazing GIFT! It allows you to appreciate what you have and where you are in life … it seeds your heart with gratitude and broadens your thinking. KEEP THINGS IN PERSPECTIVE! Let us be compassionate, understanding, patient, and help out each other to get through these tough times.
October 2, 2020
Weekend Whisper: To lead a life desired starts with self-examination and reflection
Your present personality is the reality you call "Life". The world as we see it is shaped by our belief systems (B.S.) we call our "Truths".
The FEARs (False Expectations Appearing Real) we uniquely own are created from our "B.S." which will always lead to unfulfilled purpose. Don't deprive the world of the Gift that is YOU. Challenge your truths to make the right choices to live your full and best life!
"Life is a matter of choices, and every choice you make makes you." ~ John C. Maxwell
September 30, 2020
Weekend Whisper: Our personal reality is a direct reflection of our personality
The first 2020 Presidential Debate was very much anticipated and revealed a lot about each candidate's character and personality traits.
Although painful to watch, we saw a reflection of ourselves. If you did not see it, then you're operating from your blind spots ... You need to make the unconscious conscious.
As Americans looking toward the future, our votes should never be about party lines. It's not a question of Loyalty ... it's about Integrity. Who is best to lead and shape our country for a better tomorrow for children and our children's children. The next President we choose must be one for the people whose values align with moral authority. They possess a servant leader's heart.
"When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time. People know themselves much better than you do. That's why it's important to stop expecting them to be something other than who they are." ~ Maya Angelou
September 8, 2020
Weekend Whisper: What is your Truth?
Always test your "Truth" ... it is the only way to set yourself FREE and create a MINDSET that'll help you battle through the worst obstacles you are bound to face in this world.
David Goggins' empowering story describes how we THINK shapes our beliefs that will determine whether we WIN or LOSE in life!
"The unexamined life is not worth living." ~ Socrates
September 7, 2020
Happy Labor Day!
“Nothing ever comes to one that is worth having except as a result of hard work.” – Booker T. Washington
September 3, 2020
Weekend Whisper: Self-Worth
To whom do you seek approval to define your self-worth?
You were created perfectly and abundantly ... anything less is from faulty programming.
August 29, 2020
Weekend Whisper: What does "Being Enough" mean to you?
In a culture where likes, beauty, recognition, popularity, position, fame, and fortune molds us to thinking our self-worth is directly linked to accomplishments rather than the value you gift to others, it's no wonder we lose sight of our purpose. How does your existence serve others?
When you intentionally grow and live to being better each single day, YOU are ENOUGH!
"Authenticity is the daily practice of letting go of who we think we're supposed to be and embracing who we are." ~ Brene Brown
August 14, 2020
Weekend Whisper: Growing is a Choice!
When you're feeling stuck and things don't seem to go your way ... BE BETTER! Lead your life ... every single day, do something to push yourself to being a better version of yourself because no one else will.
"Our background and circumstances may have influenced who we are, but we are responsible for who we become." ~ James Rhineheart
August 9, 2020
Weekend Whisper: Priority vs. Goal Setting
A major reason we don't hit our goals is our failure to prioritize.
Think about the times you didn't achieve a weight or health goal, financial, career, or relationship goal. Often, we aimlessly live with daily habits that does not lead to our desired outcomes. Goal setting is not the issue … PRIORITY setting is!
FOCUS on your PRIORITIES! The Pareto Principle states that 80% of effects come from 20% of the causes.
“Desires dictate our priorities, priorities shape our choices, and choices determine our actions.” ~ Dallin H. Oaks
August 4, 2020
Weekend Whisper: ACT
Sometimes when I deal with unhappy people, they would say … "What did I do to deserve this?"
The better question to ask is, "What have I NOT DONE to deserve the life I've always wanted."
Most of us don't lead our lives. We either allow ourselves to be "a pawn in a game" or remain in comfortable conditions limiting our capacity to do more and be more. Whether it's in our health, wealth, love and relationships, or career pursuits --- FEAR holds us back from living our best lives!
Courage to face the unknown, uncertainty, or whatever challenge that lies ahead does not mean the absence of fear. Courage is taking the first step forward, even small steps at a time ... As it takes you closer to the life you deserve!
"Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy." ~ Dale Carnegie
August 2, 2020
Weekend Whisper: "All limits are self-imposed" ~ Icarus
When your team or organization hits a wall and can't seem to rise to the next level of progress and success, look at the people around you.
People are not your assets, having the RIGHT people are! And when you have the right talent, it is imperative they are continually developed as their growth is directly proportional to your organization's success.
Everything rises and falls on leadership!
July 31, 2020
Weekend Whisper: Defining Yourself
In the search for happiness, one realizes it is not from worldly possessions and accomplishments that brings us fulfillment. The spirit within knows the truth that a sincere and genuine connection with the people we love and care for gifts us real joy.
Our EGO (Edging Growth Out) kills our capacity to connect. "Connection" is love and belonging. Only through authenticity and vulnerability can we earn deep and meaningful relationships!
"What we know matters, but who we are matters more." ~ Brene Brown
July 28, 2020
Weekend Whisper: How does FEAR define you?
During times when I'm alone with my thoughts, I would look at my present reality and wonder … "What if" and "Why"?
As I explored the choices I made through life, the one common denominator that led to unfulfilled potential and gratifying experiences was --- FEAR. Whether this was influenced by other people or the environment, ultimately I was responsible.
Our beliefs directly impact our thinking which drives our choices in life. Don't let FEAR (False Expectations Appearing Real) hold you back from the best life offers!
"The fears we don't face become our limits." ~ Robin Sharma
July 23, 2020
Weekend Whisper: The choices you make, make you!
Some refer to it as their inner voice, conscience, or instinct. Whatever it may be to you, paying attention and objectively evaluating the message will always serve you well.
Most of the time, we run our lives on autopilot. As we hit certain seasons in our life, we naturally look back and reflect how we could have done things differently. And to move forward requires us to use these life lessons to make conscious choices to improve our conditions and circumstances.
Stop sleepwalking through your life! The choices you make today ultimately changes the trajectory of your life. The future belongs to the bold and brave!
"Life is a matter of choices, and every choice you make makes you." ~ John C. Maxwell
July 22, 2020
Weekend Whisper: What's your excuse?
July 20, 2020
Weekend Whisper: Are you leading by example?
If you've watched "The Last Dance", you witnessed how Michael Jordan led the Chicago Bulls sweep the two-time defending champion Detroit Pistons during the 1991 Eastern Conference Finals and overcome the LA Lakers for their first NBA Championship. And he would go on to win 6 NBA Championships!
MJ demanded the very best out of everyone. He always gave his best and let his game do the talking. MJ never demanded from others he wasn't willing to give. Leadership is not merely about spoken words … it's all about modeling!
"Actions speak louder than words; let your words teach and your actions speak." ~ Anthony of Padua
July 18, 2020
Weekend Whisper: Change is inevitable ... Growth is optional
Year 2020 … these days more than ever in history, we are experiencing a societal and global evolution. Change is part of life.
Change is never convenient nor is it ever comfortable. Often, we resist it because we fear uncertainty and the unknown. People aren't afraid of change, they're afraid of losing control. When we summon the courage to change, we choose not to give up our lives to chance.
"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference." ~ Reinhold Niebuhr
July 15, 2020
Weekend Whisper: How do you bring out the very best in people?
Clue: It's not by telling them what to do.
Whether it's your children or people in your charge --- giving them permission and authority to do something is to EMPOWER! This unleashes their abilities to THINK creatively and COMMIT with purpose.
"When we seek to discover the best in others, we somehow bring out the best in ourselves." ~ William Arthur Ward
July 12, 2020
Weekend Whisper: Does age equate to maturity?
A person's "maturity" is often associated with years of life experience, character, and thinking.
However in truth, we know people aging to adulthood but have yet to reach a state of being mature. This is because maturity has nothing to do with a "number" or years of age. It has everything to do with RESPONSIBILITY!
"If you take responsibility for yourself, you will develop a hunger to accomplish your dreams." ~ Les Brown
June 19, 2020
Weekend Whisper: Choosing your Life Partner
I've always shared with people, especially young adults including my son and daughter, there are 3 foundations for selecting your life partner:
Core Values - must be clearly defined and unshakable.
Shared Vision - a future you build as one because it will lead you both to grow together or grow apart.
Faith - when things get tough and they will, believing in God --- a higher power that guides your relationship every step of the way.